We serve the leadership of financial services firms to deliver their most significant senior talent searches

  • LEADERSHIP TEAMS: Across commercial and functional
    executive roles
  • CHIEF EXECUTIVES: FTSE 10 companies to industry
  • BOARDS: Chairmen, Committee Chairs and Non-Executives

1,000+ retained executive searches

Our relationships with clients and candidates often span decades. We work intimately with our clients to bring them the best leadership talent and keep ahead of the ever-evolving financial services landscape. 85% of our work is repeat business. We serve large global financial firms, specialist firms and innovators.

Extensive network

Our extensive and actively engaged network of international financial services leaders sets us apart. Thanks to them, coupled with our approach, we are effective and efficient in solving client hires.

We build forensic talent maps and clear pictures of the best candidates in the market, not just who they are, but how they operate and how they would fit in our clients' cultures.

As a specialist private firm, we have the benefit of minimal off limits. We have the freedom to access the best candidates in the market, wherever they work and wherever they are in the world.

A tailored approach

The Carbon model is designed to deliver. With decades of search experience, we know how to drive a high quality process and take the well-judged steps that make a difference.

We provide trusted and balanced counsel to ensure the best possible outcome for the client. We will evaluate and advise on internal talent, and support their professional development as part of the search process.

We only work on assignments we know we are best placed to support. We will advise on the best strategy for a client, even if that doesn’t mean Carbon.

  • PARTNER LED: We operate a senior delivery team at all times. The individual who fronts the brief is guaranteed to personally deliver the work.
  • CHEMISTRY IS KEY: The connection between client and candidate is something we are obsessive about, it is a mantra in our work.
  • CLIENT FOCUS: The entire team invests deeply in the client relationship. Carbon has no internal silos. Our people are curious, thoughtful, and personally committed to making a difference for our clients.

Promoting diversity

Carbon collaborates with clients to drive diversity of thought and life experience across boards and executive committees. We advise clients on bespoke, thoughtful and intricate candidate engagement strategies to encourage diverse applicants to roles. We monitor diversity progress and feedback every step of the way.

We act without prejudice, and only hire people who are passionate about diversity and inclusion. We constantly seeks ways to educate ourselves and prevent bias.

We are a signatory to the Voluntary Code of Conduct for Executive Search Firms, part of the Hampton-Alexander Review. Carbon has consistently delivered gender diversity of 50% (moving average over last 20 assignments).

  • DETAILED KNOWLEDGE: We can advise on the diversity makeup of a talent pool and have the expertise to develop a strategy to respond.
  • ADVISORY APPROACH: We develop creative solutions to drive a diverse shortlist, exploring and often re engineering traditional role constructs. We help to shape client thinking and build progressive agendas.
  • HARD WORK: There is no 'quick fix' to delivering diversity. It requires commitment, consistency, creativity and touch conversations.

Talk to us

about how we can help you with your executive search

Wendy Jeffries Practice Manager

+44 (0) 20 3871 2750
91 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0EF, United Kingdom

We serve the leadership of financial services firms to deliver their most significant senior talent searches

Find out how
Supporting senior leaders

Specialists in executive hiring

20 plus years
of knowledge, network and experience in executive search

Across commercial and functional
executive roles

Chief executives

FTSE 10 companies to industry


Chairs, Committee Chairs and Non-Executives


Over 1,000 retained executive searches

No items found.
Working IN:
Retail Banking
Risk & Compliance
Trade Finance
Commercial Banking
Investment Management
Islamic Finance
Private Banking
Financial Services
Working ACROSS:

Our relationships with clients and candidates often span decades. We work intimately with our clients to bring them the best leadership talent and keep ahead of the ever-evolving financial services landscape. 85% of our work is repeat business. We serve large global financial firms, specialist firms and innovators.

Our work

Extensive network

Carbon global reach

Our extensive, diverse, and actively engaged network of international financial services leaders sets us apart. Thanks to them, coupled with our approach, we are effective and efficient in solving client searches.

We build forensic talent maps and clear pictures of the best candidates in the market; not just who they are, but how they operate and how they would fit in our clients' cultures.

As a specialist private firm, we have the benefit of minimal off limits. We have the freedom to access the best candidates in the market, wherever they work and wherever they are in the world.

Working with us

A tailored approach

London skyline
London skyline
London skyline

The Carbon model is designed to deliver. With decades of search experience, we know how to drive a high quality process and take the well-judged steps that make a difference.

We provide trusted and balanced counsel to ensure the best possible outcome for the client. We will evaluate and advise on internal talent, and support their professional development as part of the search process.

We only work on assignments we know we are best placed to support. We will advise on the best strategy for a client, even if that doesn’t mean Carbon.

Partner led

We operate a senior delivery team at all times. The individual who fronts the brief is guaranteed to personally deliver the work.


The connection between client and candidate is something we are obsessive about; it is a mantra in our work.


The entire team invests deeply in the client relationship. Carbon has no internal silos. Our people are curious, thoughtful, and personally committed to making a difference for our clients.


Assignments do not stop at placement. We coach candidates for the first year to ensure their successful integration and we collaborate directly with clients on their onboarding programmes.


Promoting diversity

Colourful Flamingos

We can advise on the diversity makeup of a talent pool and have the expertise to develop a strategy to respond.


We develop creative solutions to drive a diverse shortlist, exploring and often re-engineering traditional role constructs. We help to shape client thinking and build progressive agendas.


There is no 'quick fix' to delivering diversity. It requires commitment, consistency and creativity and tough conversations.

Our history

The Carbon story

Today Carbon is a well-established name in the financial services executive search marketplace, headquartered in London.

How did it start? It began with strong beliefs, like-minded individuals, a flat on Beak Street, and some great pizza. This is our story.

Our story

Talk to us

about how we can support you with your executive search

Jayne Foster
Head of Assignment Operations
+44 (0) 20 3871 2750